Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Gymnasts are well aquatinted with the term, Injury

There is never a time when someone will walk into the gym and not see athletic tape lying on the ground, its just a part of a gymnastics facility. Gymnasts are constantly some sort of pain, and the best quick fix is to just “tape it.” In some cases this method of treatment might not actually be doing any good whatsoever but to the gymnast its almost like a safety net. Even coaches might swear by it just because it gives the gymnast some sort of support, but I believe it is mental support. Tape can be very useful don’t get me wrong but to tape every injury might not be the key to a healthy recovery.

Gymnasts do not understand how important it is to sometimes just take the time off and rest, even if their ordered to stay home you can find that gymnast flipping and bouncing around the house not knowing what else to do. Gymnastics is addicting and if their is something wrong with the athlete their first resort is always tape. You may see a gymnast with multiple body parts taped in a variety of ways and they will say they are “perfectly fine.” Its puzzling really to think that gymnasts must go through so much pain in order to achieve greatness at what they do. But the reality of it all for the gymnast is to simply “tape it” and go on with the show.

Do you ever see a gymnast without other gymnasts?

Anyone can pick out a gymnast in public...usually short, stocky and with many other of the same looking girls. Gymnasts seem to travel in groups whether its to a gymnastics meet, school or even the bathroom there aren’t very many lone gymnasts wondering around the streets. It is also very odd to see gymnasts with anyone else whom is much taller than them, gymnasts like to feel empowered and they are not able to do that if they are with a bunch of tall thin girls who don’t “flip around” more than half their lives. These groups are seen doing cartwheels and somersaults at random times and places.

If they are not working out or practicing gymnasts are usually not hanging around the malls or getting into trouble, gymnasts are smart determined organized people who like everything to be just right. So in these groups you will may think you see just a bunch of giggling girls but in fact they are deeply thinking through their next gymnastics event, this sport consumes their entire life making it impossible to have a social life. Usually a gymnast’s true friends are the ones they meet in practice because there aren’t many who can find free time to find other friends. Thus gymnasts are ALWAYS with other gymnasts not matter what they do or where they go.

Gymnasts may not look like they eat any food, but reality begs to differ...

Gymnasts are tiny athletes, with very good physique so thee assumption is that they must eat very healthy and under the average amount of calories. This is not the case, gymnasts consume an enormous amount of calories when not supervised by their coaches. It’s like a type of undercover ritual they have. When traveling an assortment of methods are used to “get the goods.” Gymnasts will set their alarm clocks at odd hours of the night to make a trip to the vending machine or corner store, they are sometimes able to keep a stash in suitcases but must be very careful of where in the suitcase and what they do with the garbage. Gymnasts are very clever when it comes to their snacking, it is essential for them to feel “energized” as their usual practice runs on at least 4 hours long.

Gymnasts will sometimes share their secrets with other gymnasts but the topic of food is very mentioned to any adults or even in the vicinity of adult earshot. It is important to note that when gymnasts eat these extra “goods” it is not making them fat because they workout so much that all the calories are burned away. For a life long habit this might not be the case, but for young gymnasts this snaking is a way of life.